Annual Membership Meeting

Annual Membership Meeting at 6PM on Tuesday, May 26, 2020 via Facebook Live due to COVID-19 concerns.

The proposed new board slate and executive committee is as follows:

Teresa Jordan, President

Eric Newsome, 1st Vice-President

Seth Jewell, 2nd Vice-President

​Donna Chandler Newman, Secretary

Kelly Luttrell, Treasurer

​James “Bo” Adams, Past President/Parliamentarian

Hal Beckham

Shelley Carr

Justin Entzminger

Eileen Kuo

Cynthia Mattox

Randall Melton

Julie Scarpace

​Paul Scott

Robyn Sharp

Janice Toshach

Tiana Wooden

Any Membership comments, concerns, or suggestions about the board and executive committee slate can be emailed to