SEASON 53 (2024-2025)

Regular box office hours are Tuesday- Friday, 12-4pm and two hours before showtime.

Call 901-453-7337 or email for assistance 

Season Show times are usually Fri/Sat 7:30pm & Sun 2:30pm 

Check for added showtimes when you scroll below

July 12-28th, 2024

Show Sponsor: International Paper

Season 53 begins with a profoundly relevant drama ANTIGONE or And Still She Must Rise Up by Madeline Sayet

The plague has not yet left Thebes. In a broken world at the edge of plague, famine, and war a new leader rises. Director Jamie Boller-Raup and a cast of 14-22 year old performers take on this compelling adaptation of the timeless Greek classic, Antigone that asks, “what would it take for this to no longer be a story about one girl who rises up against injustice- but for all of us to listen, rise up, and stand with her.”
Showtimes are Fri/Sat 7:30pm & Sun. 2:30pm
Sensory Friendly Performance with sign language interpreter Sun. July 21st
Indigenous playwright and activist, Madeline Sayet, adapted this Greek classic during the pandemic for the 2020 moment to be performed masked and distanced deepening the impact of the plot in a modern setting. This adaptation remains relevant in 2024 without the need for pandemic precautions as all Greek dramas continue to find new life reflected in each generation. 
Click HERE or scan QR for digital playbill
Assistant Director/Stage Manager – Annie McLean Asst. Stage Mgr. Rae Brown
Set Design – J David Galloway, Original Compositions – Kathy Zhou, Lighting – Jeremy Fisher, Costumes – Christina Hernandez, Props – Laurie Boller, Fight Choreo – Hugh Boller-Raup, Dramaturg – Austin Devine, Production Film Design & photos – Sean Moore 
CAST: Antigone – Grace Brown, Ismene – Erin McKee, Creon – Eliana Mabe, Polynices – Ollie Bondurant, Eteocles – Gracesyn Caldwell, Haimon – Lily Russell, Soldier 1 – Hank Smith, Soldier 2 – Camm Massengale, Soldier 3 – Jayden Walker, Reporter – Reagan Perkins, Teacher – Madden Hagood, Farmer – Karina Holt, Nurse – Jakayla McCray, Social Worker – Lois Applewhite, Tiresias/Protester – Reagan Hays, Eurydice/Protester – Jessica Cheak

August 16th- September 1st, 2024

Season 53 continues with the regional premiere of RIDE the CYCLONE the Musical

Join us for the regional premiere of this wildly popular musical so new, inventive, exciting, and morbidly delightful… full of laughter and tears… It’s certain to entertain, and to remind you that life… it’s just a ride.

In a dilapidated warehouse at an abandoned amusement park, a ghostly choir of five high-schoolers – all members of the Saint Cassian Chamber Choir, who met their end on the park’s Cyclone roller coaster and an aging mechanical fortune-teller called The Amazing Karnak spring to life. Karnak had read all of the children’s fortunes, felt their hopes, thoughts, dreams, knowing they would board the doomed roller coaster. And tonight he has the power to return one of these youths to life – but they must all decide among themselves who is the most worthy of a second chance.

Showtimes Fri/Sat 7:30pm & Sun 2:30pm
Sensory Friendly Performance with sign language interpreter Sun Aug. 25th
Click HERE or scan the QR for Digital Playbill
Directed by John Smiley with Music Director: Tammy Holt, Choreographer: Max Robinson, Stage Manager: Katie Ogden, Asst. SM Olivia Endsor,  Crew – Olivia Mittag, Set Design – J David Galloway, Lights – Kevin Rogers, Props – Gabby D’Arcangelo Calvert, Costume Design – Ashley Kopera, Sound Design – Walker Higgins, Digital Design – John Smiley 
CAST: The Amazing Karnak – Chris Cotten, Ocean O’Connell – Rose Blakeman, Mischa Bachinski – Chase Ring, Noel Gruber – Brandon Dickerson, Ricky Potts – JD Willis, Constance Blackwood – Emma Johnson, Jane Doe – Cameron Crawford.

September 20th – 29th, 2024

The Teresa Jordan Emerging Local Playwright Competition winner for Season 53 PATTERNS by Michael Hoffman, is a searing drama that explores what happens when we ask the uncomfortable questions.

Retired police detective Tom Shell and teenage waitress Dizzy McAlister forge an unlikely bond as they analyze evidence from a string of unsolved murders. As they dig deeper, will Dizzy’s razor-sharp intellect close cold cases… or open old wounds?
September 20th – 29th Only two weekends!
Fri/Sat 7:30pm & Sun 2:30pm
To learn more about this contest and make a submission for next year visit
Click HERE or scan the QR for Digital Playbill
Directed by Domenic-Michael Andolina, Stage Manager – Zoe Dixon, Set Design – Marques Brown, Props – Gabby D’Arcangelo Calvert Costumes – Rachel Crenshaw, Sound Design & Recording – Dylan Wheeler, Laramie Renae, Marques Brown & playwright
CAST – Matt Beickert as retired detective SHELL 
Eliana Mabe as inquisitive diner waitress DIZZY  
Lisa Sanchez-Sullivan as SARAH

October 18th -November 3rd, 2024

Show Sponsor: The UPS Store

For this regional premiere take three delicious, malicious housewives, add three miserable husbands—and chill. That’s the recipe of Michele Lowe’s tantalizing dark comedy The Smell of the Kill.

Nicky, Debra and Molly have tolerated one another for years at their once-a-month dinners at each others houses. This month’s dinner is at Nicky’s where her big game hunter husband insists on showing off his recently installed meat locker to the other boorish golfer husbands, while the wives stay in the kitchen exchanging confidences. These desperate housewives begin to bond for the first time as they realize how sick they are of the husbands harassing them from the living room. Molly’s husband is stalking her, Debra’s husband is leaving her for another woman and Nicky’s is embezzling money and only spending it on what he wants. Will they plot to get rid of their husbands together or fight each other when an easy out presents itself to all 3 of them?

 “a deft little anti-love story…light-hearted, cold-hearted…” (Newsday) “a devilish, wicked, ultimately touching dark comedy.” (The Berkshire Eagle) “…the play boasts lines and scenes that have the audience laughing as uproariously as The Producers.” (Variety)
Showtimes Fri/Sat 7:30pm & Sun 2:30pm
Sensory Friendly Performance with sign language interpreter Sun. Oct. 27th
Click HERE or scan the QR for Digital Playbill
Directed by Aliza Moran, Stage Manager – Hunter Steele, Assistant SM/Foley Arts – April Vincent,  Props – Gabby D’Archangelo-Calvert, Set Design – Brandyn Graves, Lights Micki McCormick, Costumes – Collette Heenan
CAST: NICKY – Kate Peckham, MOLLY – Robbie Comans, DEBRA – Criston Kopka, Male Voices: Justin Burgess, Kevin Cochran & Nick Weaver
Learn more about this playwright at

December 6th – 22nd, 2024

Based on the popular comic strip and adapted from the Tony Award-winning Best Musical, with a beloved book and score by Tony Award winners, Thomas Meehan, Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin, Annie JR. features everyone’s favorite little redhead in her very first adventure.

With equal measures of pluck and positivity, little orphan Annie charms everyone’s hearts despite a next-to-nothing start in 1930s New York City. Annie is determined to find the parents who abandoned her years ago on the doorstep of an orphanage run by the cruel Miss Hannigan. Annie eventually foils Miss Hannigan’s evil machinations, finding a new home and family in billionaire Oliver Warbucks, his personal secretary, Grace Farrell, and a lovable mutt named Sandy.\

Showtimes Fri/Sat 7:30pm & Sun 2:30pm
Sensory Friendly Performance with sign language interpreter Sun. Dec. 15th

Directed by Christina Hernandez
Music Director Jacquelene Cooper
Stage Manager Eliana Mabe

CAST: ANNIE- Ella Clare Campbell & Margot Anderson, MOLLY- Elizabeth Kellett, TESSIE- Norah Benjamin, JULY- Olivia Ervin, DUFFY- Lily Altomar, KATE- Posie Steinmetz, PEPPER- Shelby Woodruff, Mrs. HANNIGAN- Riley Griffin, GRACE- Karina Holt, ROOSTER- Gracesyn Caldwell, LILY- Campbell Kelley, WARBUCKS- Jacob Vaughn, SANDY- Vincent Holton, STAR-TO-BE- Mia Murphy (Lily US), ENSEMBLE: Dellen Wetzel, Ollie Bondurant, Reagan Hays, Will Dwyer, Harper Brown, Sarah Pennington, Evelyn Dluhos (Hannigan US), Cy Nobleza (Grace US), Nathan Harder (Rooster US), Albie Johnson (Orphan Swing)
School matinees are being scheduled now! Email to plan your field trip!

January 24th – February 9th, 2025

Show Sponsor: Andy & Jean Saunders

England, 1605: A terrorist plot to assassinate King James I and blow Parliament to kingdom come with 36 barrels of devilish gunpowder! The infamous Bard, “Shagspeare”, is commissioned by Prime Minister Robert Cecil to write the “true historie” of the plot. And it must have witches! The King wants witches! But as Shag and the acting company of the Globe, under the direction of the great Richard Burbage, investigate the plot, they discover that the King’s version of the story might, in fact, be a cover-up. Shag and his actors are confronted with the ultimate moral and artistic dilemma… Speak truth to power—and perhaps lose their heads? Or take the money and lie? Is there a third option—equivocation?

A high-stakes political thriller with contemporary resonances, EQUIVOCATION gallops from the great Globe to the Tower of London to the halls of Parliament to the heart of Judith, Shag’s younger daughter, who finds herself unexpectedly at the very heart of the political, dramatic and—ultimately—human mystery.

Showtimes Fri/Sat 7:30pm & Sun 2:30pm
Sensory Friendly Performance with sign language interpreter Sun. Feb. 2nd 

Directed by: Irene Crist, Asst. Dir: Emma Vescovo
Stage Manager & Props: Gabby D’Arcangelo- Calvert, Set: J David Galloway, Costumes: Kathleen Kovarik & Sound: Joe Johnson
CAST: SHAG- John Maness, RICHARD- JS Tate, CECIL- Christopher Tracy, SHARPE- Shaleen Cholera, ARMIN- Franklin Koch & JUDITH- Evy Allen

February 28th – March 16th, 2025

A 19-year-old suspect has just stood trial for the fatal stabbing of their father. “They don’t stand a chance,” mutters the guard as the 12 jurors are taken into the bleak jury room. It looks like an open-and-shut case—until one of the jurors begins opening the others’ eyes to the facts. “This is a remarkable thing about democracy,” says the foreign-born juror, “that we are notified by mail to come down to this place—and decide on the guilt or innocence of a person; of a man or woman we have not known before. We have nothing to gain or lose by our verdict. We should not make it a personal thing.” But personal it is, with each juror revealing his or her own character as the various testimonies are re-examined, the murder is re-enacted and a new murder threat is born before their eyes! Tempers get short, arguments grow heated, and the participants become 12 Angry Jurors. The jurors’ final verdict and how they reach it will keep you on the edge of your seat!

Showtimes Fri/Sat 7:30pm & Sun 2:30pm
Sensory Friendly Performance with sign language interpreter Sun. March 9th

Director Marques Brown

Auditions Dec. 7th & 8th Click HERE to sign up! Inclusive to ALL humans over 18 years of age 

May 9th – 25th, 2025

The year is 1929 and Berlin is in the midst of a post-World War I economic depression- transitioning from an underground, avant-garde cultural epicenter to the beginnings of Hitler’s totalitarian regime. Into this world enters Clifford Bradshaw, a struggling American writer looking for inspiration for his next novel. He wanders into the Kit Kat Klub, a seedy nightclub overseen by the strange, omniscient and gender-bending Master of Ceremonies, “the Emcee.” Cliff meets Sally Bowles, a vivacious, talented cabaret performer, and an utterly lost soul.

Sally and Cliff begin a relationship, which blossoms unexpectedly into a dream-like romance. As time passes, however, Berlin changes from exciting and vital to ominous and violent. Ernst, Cliff’s first German friend, turns out to be an up-and-coming member of the Nazi Party, and Herr Schultz, a fellow boarder at Fraulein Schneider’s guest house (and Schneider’s fiancee), is the victim of an Anti-Semitic hate crime. Cliff wants to rescue Sally and start a family in America but she is unsure that she’ll ever really be able to trade the sexy, illicit cabaret lifestyle for motherhood and insists he leave without her.

With a distinctly Brechtian dose of provocation and a Kander & Ebb score featuring songs that have become classics of the American Musical Theater, Cabaret is a fierce, meaty musical that pushes the boundaries of the form and literally holds “the mirror up to nature.”

Showtimes Fri/Sat 7:30pm & Sun 2:30pm
Sensory Friendly Performance with sign language interpreter Sun. May 18th

Director Jaclyn Suffel, Music Director – Tammy Holt,  Choreographer – Ellen Ring, Stage Manager – Meredith Serna, Assistant Director – Megan Lisi Lewis, Costumes – Lindsay Schmeling, Set Design – J David Galloway, Lights & Projection Design – Daniel Mueller, Props – Laurie Boller, Sound Design & Band Lead Joe Johnson, Wigs, Hair & Make Up – Ellen Ring & Rence Phillips

Auditions announced soon!