Volunteer at GCT
What can I do?
In addition to cast and crew needs, we are always in search of great volunteers to help around the theatre, building sets and props, ushering our shows, and helping to organize or mend our stock of costumes.
Marques Brown, our Executive Director is very excited to revitalize our volunteer program! New sign up and interest form is live now. Press the button below and fill out this very short survey to help us best harness your energy and skills. Volunteers are truly the lifeblood of a non profit and theatre is no exception. We look forward to creating magic with you soon!

Any questions?
Email annie@gctcomeplay.org with your skills and availability or call to talk to someone about all ways you can help out! (901) 453-7447.
We are using Signup Genius to coordinate ushers. Click the button below to help with the next show!
GCT has defined 2 types of ushers going forward. PLEASE READ BEFORE PICKING A SLOT!
“Concession Ushers” arrive at least an hour before show time to get a quick and easy training on our Ipad & card reader. We ask that these ushers be 21 or older and comfortable handling wine, beer and money.* Duties include helping during pre-show time and the rush at intermission. House manager will set up and close down concessions. It’s easier than you think and a lot of fun!
“Will Call Ushers” greet patrons at the audience entrance and pass out playbills. You may be asked to help with will-call tickets if the House Manager has to solve a problem or do a transaction to keep the line going. These ushers should be 16 or older. (Younger helpers are welcome if you have participated in our classes and camps and get permission. Please arrive at least 45 minutes before showtime and help scan the theatre for paper & cup trash after the show.
Dress is casual but we prefer no holes in pants or branding logos and phrases on tops. Check in at box office with house manager when you arrive and pick up a volunteer name tag to wear and return it before leaving.
Each usher has a FREE SEAT for the show so please let us know in advance if you will either not need it or want to purchase adjoining seats for your loved ones.
Remaining Season 53 Main Stage Shows include:
TWELVE ANGRY JURORS Feb. 28th – March 16th
CABARET May 9th – 22nd
We now require email and phone for sign up. PLEASE let us know ahead of time if you won’t be able to attend. Review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
If you are interested in learning more about volunteering in costumes, tech elements and set creation or if you want more training before helping at concessions, let us know by filling out the Volunteer Interest Form above or emailing Engage@gctcomeplay.org Call us at 901-453-7447 with any questions
*Productions from our Education Department do not have alcohol served in any way so Concessions Ushers can be 18+ for these two productions in Season 53- ANTIGONE or And Still She Must Rise Up and ANNIE Jr.
This sign up is a little different from our typical Season Show sign up. We are seeking 1 usher for our lunchbreak concerts to help welcome guests and assist the House Manager with coffee supplies or light trash pickup.
Upcoming Season 53 Lunchbreak Concerts include:
Iris Collective LOVE NOTES February 14th, 2025
Memphis Symphony Orchestra The Stories of SCHEHERAZADE March 7th, 2025
Learn more about our concerts and events by clicking HERE
There are no printed tickets or playbills and no concessions sold. We just like the extra set of hands so your help is greatly appreciated and you’ll get to see an incredible show!
Dress is casual but we prefer no holes in pants or branding logos and phrases on tops. Check in at box office with house manager when you arrive and pick up a volunteer name tag to wear and return it before leaving.
Each usher has a FREE SEAT for the show. Seating is general admission and you are welcome to invite friends to purchase tickets and join you for the show! Ticket price is $10 with FREE coffee & cookies!
If you would like to inquire about volunteering for an event without an usher sign up button email Engage@gctcomeplay.org
This sign up is a lot like our Season Shows where a “Will-Call” & “Concessions” usher may be needed.
PLEASE read the descriptions for these positions above. Our staff will often fill these roles for evening Concerts & Events but if we are in need you will see a sign up button below.
Upcoming Evening Concerts & Events include:
Celtic Concert: Celebrating the Spirits & Music of the Emerald Isle March 16th & 17th, 2025
Hot Foot Honeys “Lessons Learned” A Tap Concert April 11th-13th, 2025
Learn more about our concerts and events by clicking HERE
Dress is casual but we prefer no holes in pants or branding logos and phrases on tops. Check in at box office with house manager when you arrive and pick up a volunteer name tag to wear and return it before leaving. Each usher has a FREE SEAT for the show. Please let us know if you will not be using this seat or if you’d like to purchase adjoining seats for your friends or family.
If you would like to inquire about volunteering for an event without an usher sign up button email Engage@gctcomeplay.org
This sign up can vary depending on the event. 1 usher will always be needed for Concessions. No alcohol would be served at a family event so usher should be age 18+ and comfortable working an ipad/ handling money. A second usher age 16+ may be needed to help welcome guests and assist the House Manager with check in (or will-call if seating is assigned) and light trash pickup.
These events may have printed tickets or may be general admission and likely never have a playbill. Nonetheless a second set of hands to greet patrons or handle will-call is greatly appreciated and 16+ ages are welcome.
Learn more about our concerts and events by clicking HERE
Dress is casual but we prefer no holes in pants and no branding logos or phrases on tops. Check in at box office with house manager when you arrive and pick up a volunteer name tag to wear and return it before leaving.
Each usher has a FREE SEAT for the show. Seating is general admission and you are welcome to invite friends and family to purchase tickets and join you for the show!
If you would like to inquire about volunteering for an event without an usher sign up button email Engage@gctcomeplay.org